Gay sex porn stories

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Never been lucky with the Christian ones, but thanks to my grandfather’s & father’s reputations, I was able to have access to many rare Muslim books. I had to do my research, then studied Muslim and Christians Scripts, to know where religions stand from one’s sexual identity. There, I heard of that “new”, back then, study about being “born gay”. (HEY, I’m a Taurus, I HAVE to brag a little… LOL) Poor me 😦 I got my first “public” hard on at 13, when I saw a gorgeous teacher he was 25, so who can blame me? huh?ĭenial: We’ve all gone through that phase, haven’t we? Well, for me it was between the age of 14 till 18.Īcceptance: Luckily for me, I enrolled in Med School, always been a bright student. Puberty: I remember starting getting all the puberty signs at the age of 12 years old. Grown in a very religious family, grandfather was a Sheikh & Islamic activist, not a terrorist btw for those of you who might think wrongfully that all Muslim activists are terrorists, but he was strict enough. UFFFFFĪnyway, I thought of starting with quick facts:īorn in 1975, moved to KSA (Saudi Arabia) with family in 1979, to live in the Holy City of Medina.

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I have been writing, deleting, rewriting over & over now. I never thought telling my story would be that hard.

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